Brett Myers was in tip-top form, as he just allowed 1 run on 5 hits and 1 walk in 7 2/3 innings Saturday night, but his exit was more eventful than his start. Upon seeing Manager Charlie Manager emerge from the dugout to take Myers out, Myers started muttering expletives to himself, and his teammates. As Charlie approached the mound, Myers met him, handed him the ball, and walked off, muttering more expletives, before tipping his cap to the Standing Ovation of 45 thousand plus. Upon returning to the Dugout, Myers and Manuel Exchanged words, face to face, for a good 20 seconds, until Myers headed down the tunnel towards the clubhouse.
This is not the 1st time that Myers has had public “anger-management” issues. Back in June of 2006, Myers was arrested and charged with hitting his wife in the face on a street not far from Fenway Park in Boston. Also, in August of last year, Myers gave up two home runs to lose the game for his team. After making light of the homers, Philadelphia Inquirer beat writer Sam Carchidi asked him if he thought the HR that he gave up were “pop ups”. Myers responded with calling him a “retard”, among other things, which Carchidi Responded by asking Myers to spell “retard”. Myers than said “it’s in your fuc*ing vocabulary” which Carchidi responded sarcastically by telling Myers that he was “Classy”. Eventually teammates had to restrain Myers from physically harming Carchidi.
After starting out the year horribly for the Phillies, Myers was sent down to AAA, since his return, he has pitched brilliantly. Myers is 2-0 in his 4 starts since his call-up.
Great article. Myers has pitched well since coming back, I hope these issues dont prevent him from being the pitcher he can be.
i understand where he's coming from. If i was pulled for no reason after pitching great id be angry, and if the press asked a stupid question like that i probably would have flipped out too.
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